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Unnecessary Training

Decrease UN-NECESSARY Training / re-training

P4P is 100% linked to your training programme assessment criteria. When P4P is used to measure real-time assessment BEFORE training is required, conducted by the Subject Matter Exerts of your business, the REAL training needs of the individual and organisation will be established. There after only the GAPs will need to be closed

If you have gained the necessary experience in life in any industry, and want to Validate your learning to gain a certificate or Qualification, you are now able to apply to us to begin your short journey to success. You will achieve one of two outcomes:

  1. Full certification for your Experience

  2. Credits for what you can demonstrate, and then the opportunity to continue your learning journey towards your complete qualification. 


Decrease Training Admin time

  1. All skills based assessments are now conducted by the assessor using  P4P vs the current costs of doing assessment on paper, in a training room, then capturing the results, posting the portfolio etc...

  2. The time to complete individual learner performance reports on P4P is reduced, and completed immediately after the assessment vs the time it currently takes to complete assessment reports manually.

  3. Reassessment for progressive learning of the learner when they are found Not Yet Competent, using P4P vs no opportunity for re-assessment, and the challenges that come with that


Access Portfolio's of Evidence

  1. Individual Learners receive feedback on their performance assessment using P4P immediately and continually vs only training group performance feedback, or no feedback at all

  2. Generate reports on individuals, batches of learners or groups of assessments using P4P vs the current learning reports for business usage, being of little value, and cumbersome to create. 


Assessor Reports

  1. All relevant stakeholders within learning, can access required content of the learner achievements during and after their training programmes using P4P vs the current challenge of trying to access any information and paperwork when needed

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